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4/4/2020 2:13 PM 207439 1. Palm Sunday[36351].pdf
3/25/2020 2:07 PM 319417 250320 12pm COVID_19 GENERAL GUIDELINES.pdf
4/4/2020 2:14 PM 228346 3. Holy Thursday[36353].pdf
4/4/2020 2:14 PM 157249 4. Good Friday[36354].pdf
3/21/2020 4:59 PM 721873 4th Sunday of Lent, A - Jesus Helps Us See.pdf
4/4/2020 2:14 PM 171688 5. Easter Sunday[36355].pdf
3/28/2020 1:17 PM 672626 5th Sunday of Lent, A - Hooray for Jesus.pdf
4/3/2020 4:54 PM 292744 General Guidelines COVID-19_030420.pdf
4/4/2020 2:06 PM 331258 Holy Week @ Home - Adults.pdf
4/4/2020 2:07 PM 342560 Holy Week @ Home - Families with Young Children.pdf
4/4/2020 2:08 PM 325748 Holy Week @ Home - Young Adults.pdf
3/27/2020 9:47 AM 649371 Letter to Parishioners 260320.pdf
3/21/2020 3:44 PM 777929 Liturgy of the Word, 4th Sunday of Lent, A.pdf
4/4/2020 12:50 PM 673043 Palm Sunday, A - The Saddest Day.pdf