St Joseph's and St Bernadette's - Boronia Parish
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212 Boronia Road, Boronia, 3155
1264 Mountain Hwy, The Basin, 3154
Fr. Mirek Knap CR
(03) 9761 2124
Tue, Wed, Thur & Fri – 9am to 3pm

Resurrection Fathers

Fathers working in our Parish

Father Miroslaw (Mirek) Knap C.R.

(Congregation of the Resurrection) is a Polish Priest who is working, at the present time, in our Parish.

Mission and Ministry of the Resurrection Fathers

We are inspired by our Founder’s vision to be dedicated to the renewal of society by means of a life marked by the Paschal Mystery; to proclaim with great fervour the presence of the Saviour in the midst of the people of today and of every age.

Our primary apostolate is modelling Christian community by praying and working together.  Centered in the word of God and the Eucharist, we proclaim the paschal mystery through preaching and teaching the certainty of God’s love for every man, woman and every child.  We proclaim God’s unconditional love for all by being sensitive to the languages and cultures of those we serve and by recognising the power of the laity to share our mission as a way of enriching the life of the Church.

At the present time, the Congregation has three Provinces in Poland, Canada and the U.S., with two Regions in Brazil and Italy.  However, its members work in 17 countries around the world.

The Congregation came to Australia in 1978 with three members from the Polish Province.  Today, we have 5 Priests who minister in local parishes in Adelaide and Melbourne.  The Resurrection Fathers have been resident at St. Joseph’s & St. Bernadette’s Boronia Parish since 2010

Short History of the Congregation of the Resurrection

They belong to the Resurrection Fathers - Congregation of the Resurrection - which was founded in Paris, France, on February 27, 1836 under the leadership of Bogdan Janski, a layman. The Congregation developed from the social milieu of the Great Polish Exodus that followed the November Uprising in 1830 and was born from its spiritual needs.

Janski became the leading lay apostle of the Polish émigrés in France, and so inspired many to renew their own religious life, and awakened in the hearts the call to the priesthood for many young people.  Sadly, Janski did not live to see any of his followers being ordained.

Janski died in 1840, and his vision was continued by Peter Semenenko and Jerome Kajsiewicz, who are seen as the co-founders of the Congregation.

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 Resurrectionists Prayer

O Risen Lord,
the way, the truth and the life,

make us faithful followers
of the spirit of your resurrection.

Grant that we may be inwardly
renewed; dying to ourselves
in order that you may live in us.

May our lives serve as signs
of the transforming power of your love.

Use us as your instruments
for the renewal of society,

bring your life and love to all
and leading them to your Church.

This we ask of you, Lord Jesus,

living and reigning with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever.


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