St Brigid's Catholic Parish Gisborne
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St Brigid's
66 Aitken Street
Gisborne Vic 3437
Fr. Vincent Nguyen
(03) 5428 2591
Parish Secretary: Tammie Dalgleish Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9am - 5pm


Parish Newsletters

  • Parish Bulletin 30/06/24

    Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2024-06-30 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 23/06/24

    Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2024-06-23 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 16/06/24

    Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2024-06-16 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 09/06/24

    Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2024-06-09 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 02/06/24

    The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

    Delete 1 - 2024-06-02 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 26/05/24

    The Most Holy Trinity

    Delete 1 - 2024-05-26 The Most Holy Trinity - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 19/05/24

    Pentecost Sunday

    Delete 1 - 2024-05-19 Pentecost Sunday - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 12/05/24

    The Ascension of the Lord

    Delete 1 - 2024-05-12 The Ascension of the Lord - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 05/05/24

    Sixth Sunday of Easter

    Delete 1 - 2024-05-05 Sixth Sunday of Easter - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 28/04/24

    Fifth Sunday of Easter

    Delete 1 - 2024-04-28 Fifth Sunday of Easter - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 21/04/24

    Fourth Sunday of Easter

    Delete 1 - 2024-04-21 Fourth Sunday of Easter - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 14/04/24

    Third Sunday of Easter

    Delete 1 - 2024-04-14 Third Sunday of Easter - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 07/04/24

    Second Sunday of Easter

    Delete 1 - 2024-04-07 Second Sunday of Easter - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 31/03/24

    Easter Sunday

    Delete 1 - 2024-03-31 Easter Sunday - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 24/03/24

    Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

    Delete 1 - 2024-03-24  Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 17/03/24

    Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2024-03-17 Fifth Sunday of Lent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 10/03/24

    Fourth Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2024-03-10 Fourth Sunday of Lent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 03/03/24

    Third Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2024-03-03 Third Sunday of Lent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 25/02/24

    Second Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2024-02-25 Second Sunday of Lent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 18/02/24

    First Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2024-02-18 First Sunday of Lent - Website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 11/02/24

    Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2024-02-11 Sixth Sunday in Odinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 04/02/24

    Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2024-02-04 Fifth Sunday in Odinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 25/12/23

    The Nativity of the Lord - Christmas Day

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-25 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Day - Riddell 9am & Gisborne 10.30am).pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 25/12/23

    The Nativity of the Lord - Vigil Mass

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-25 Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Vigil (School Mass 7pm & Macedon 9pm).pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 24/12/23

    The Nativity of the Lord - Midnight Mass

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-24 Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Midnight - (Gisborne 11pm).pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 24/12/23

    Fourth Sunday of Advent

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-24 Fourth Sunday of Advent.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 17/12/23

    Third Sunday of Advent

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-17 Third Sunday of Advent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 10/12/23

    Second Sunday of Advent

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-10 Second Sunday of Advent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 03/12/23

    First Sunday of Advent

    Delete 1 - 2023-12-03 First Sunday of Advent - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 26/11/23

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

    Delete 1 - 2023-11-26 Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 19/11/23

    Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-11-19 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 12/11/23

    Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-11-12 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 05/11/23

    Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-11-05 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 29/10/23

    Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-10-29 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 22/10/23

    Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-10-22 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 15/10/23

    Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-10-15 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 08/10/23

    Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-10-08 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time- website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 01/10/23

    Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-10-01 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 24/09/23

    Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-09-24 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 17/09/23

    Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-09-17 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 10/09/23

    Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-09-10 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 03/09/23

    Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-09-03 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 27/08/23

    Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-08-27 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 20/08/23

    Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-08-20 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.docx.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 13/08/23

    Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-08-13 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 06/08/23

    The Transfiguration of the Lord

    Delete 1 - 2023-08-06 The Transfiguration of the Lord - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 30/07/23

    Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-07-30 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 23/07/23

    Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-07-23 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 16/07/23

    Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-07-16 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 09/07/23

    Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-07-09 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 02/07/23

    Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-07-02 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 25/06/23

    Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-06-25 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.docx.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 18/06/23

    Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-06-18 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 11/06/23

    The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

    Delete 1 - 2023-06-11 Bulletin & Prayers - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 04/06/23

    The Most Holy Trinity

    Delete 1 - 2023-06-04 Bulletin & Prayers - The Most Holy Trinity - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 28/05/23

    Pentecost Sunday

    Delete 1 - 2023-05-28 Bulletin & Prayers - Pentecost Sunday website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 21/05/23

    The Ascension of the Lord

    Delete 1 - 2023-05-21 Bulletin & Prayers - The Ascension of the Lord - website.docx.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 14/05/23

    6th Sunday in Easter

    Delete 1 - 2023-05-14 Bulletin & Prayers - 6th Sunday of Easter - website.docx.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 07/05/23

    Fifth Sunday in Easter

    Delete 1 - 2023-05-07 Bulletin & Prayers - 5th Sunday of Easter - website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 30/04/23

    4th Sunday in Easter

    Delete 1 - 2023-04-30 Bulletin & Prayers - Website.pdf
  • Bulletin & Prayers 23/04/23

    3rd Sunday in Easter

    Delete 1 - 2023-04-23 Bulletin & Prayers - Website.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 16/04/23

    2nd Sunday of Easter

    Delete 1 - 2023-04-16 Parish Bulletin - 2nd Sunday of Easter.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 09/04/23

    Easter Sunday

    Delete 1 - 2023-04-09 Parish Bulletin - Easter Sunday.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 02/04/23

    Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

    Delete 1 - 2023-04-02 Parish Bulletin - Palm Sunday.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 26/03/23

    5th Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2023-03-26 Parish Bulletin - 5th Sunday of Lent.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 19/03/23

    4th Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2023-03-19 Parish Bulletin - 4th Sunday of Lent.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 12/03/23

    3rd Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2023-03-12 Parish Bulletin - 3rd Sunday of Lent.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 05/03/23

    2nd Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2023-03-05 Parish Bulletin - 2nd Sunday of Lent.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 26/02/23

    1st Sunday of Lent

    Delete 1 - 2023-02-26 Parish Bulletin - 1st Sunday of Lent.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 19/02/23

    Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-02-19 Parish Bulletin - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 12/02/23

    Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-02-12 Parish Bulletin - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 05/02/23

    Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-02-05 Parish Bulletin - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 29/01/23

    Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Delete 1 - 2023-01-29 Parish Bulletin - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 08/01/2023

    The Epiphany of the Lord

    Delete 1 - 2023-01-08 Parish Bulletin - The Epiphany of the Lord.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 25/12/2022

    The Nativity of the Lord Yr A

    Delete 1 - The Nativity of the Lord Yr A  25-12-2022.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 18/12/2022

    4th Sunday of Advent Yr A

    Delete 1 - 4th Sunday of Advent Yr A  18-12-2022.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 11/12/2022

    3rd Sunday of Advent Yr A

    Delete 1 - 3rd Sunday of Advent Yr A  11-12-2022.pdf
  • Parish bulletin 04/12/2022

    2nd Sunday of Advent Yr A

    Delete 1 - 2nd Sunday of Advent Yr A  04-12-2022.pdf
  • Parish Bulletin 27/11/2022

    1st Sunday of Advent Yr A

    Delete 1 - 1st Sunday of Advent Yr A  27-11-2022.pdf
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Yr C 20th November 2022

    Delete 1 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Yr C 2022 20-11-22.pdf
  • Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 13th November 2022

    Delete 1 - Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 131122.pdf
  • Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 23rd October 2022

    Delete 1 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 231022.pdf
  • Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 16th Oct 2022

    Delete 1 - Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 161022.pdf
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