St Leonard's Church
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St Leonard's Church
349 Springvale Road,
Glen Waverley, Vic 3150
Fr. John Dowling
9560 9469
Monday 10.30am - 3.30pm;
Tuesday - Friday 10.00 am - 3.30pm;

Parish News

TnT 909


Delete 3 - TNT 909.pdf
TnT 908


Delete 3 - tnt 908.pdf

Parish Newsletters

4th Sunday of Easter


Delete 1 - April 21 bulletin.pdf


Financial Matters

Our Parish has always relied on the generosity of Parishioners to support the Priest and the expenses of running the Parish. You can donate by using Thanksgiving Envelopes or by Credit Card or Direct Debit.

If you would like to support the Parish Priest you can donate to the Presbytery Account. You can leave your donation at the Office or deposit directly into the following account:

Account name: St Leonards Parish Presbytery Account

BSB: 083 347 Account Number: 34509 3839            Reference: Your Name - Donation

To donate to the Church Account by direct deposit, the details are:

Account Name: St Leonards Parish Church Account

BSB: 083 347 Account Number: 33840 9970          Reference: Your Name - Planned giving Number

Alternatively, you can set up a payment by Direct Debit or Credit Card via this link: 

Children's Liturgy at Home

The Ready, Set, Pray! Children's Liturgy of the Word @ home video series has been created to provide an engaging space for families to encounter Jesus through the Sunday gospel.

Each week includes an invitation for families to create and gather in their own prayer space, to sing, hear the Gospel, pray and respond creatively through an activity. This weekly resource follows the familiar Children's Liturgy of the Word format used in the Parish - but moved to an online setting.

The series consists of weekly sessions of 15-20 minutes duration each Sunday. We hope this experience of gathering for prayer will encourage families in this time when they cannot gather for Parish celebrations of Eucharist. It is produced by Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal at the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Upcoming Events


By appointment, contact Presbytery for details.

We welcome Parishioners who would like to have their children baptised in our Parish. Before making any arrangements, families must attend a Preparation Meeting which is usually held in the Yarn on the last Monday of the month. (Bookings are essential for this meeting).  After attending this meeting, families can arrange a date for the Baptism with Fr John.

Baptisms are usually celebrated on the second and third Sunday of the month.

Anyone interested in arranging a Baptism should first speak to Fr John.


The Statue of Our Lady of Fatima moves around the Parish week to week so that the Rosary is said continuously throughout the year. Parish families volunteer to take on this task which has been a part of Parish life for many years.

First Communion

The Sacrament of First Eucharist is usually celebrated in June each year. Children must be Baptised Catholics and be in Year 4 (or older) and must have already the received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.



 Any students wishing to receive the Sacrament must be Baptised Catholics and must have already received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Students are usually in Year 6 or older. The Sacrament is usually celebrated in September.


We welcome couples who would like to be married in our beautiful Church.

Please speak to Fr John. (The Secretary cannot help you with marriage enquiries.)

St Leonard's Church
349 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley, Vic 3150
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