St Augustine's Parish
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St Augustine's Church
631 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Monsignor Stuart Hall
(03) 9412 8426
Please call the office to book an appointment.

Parish News

Sacramental Programme for children

Please see the 'Application Forms' page.

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Parish Newsletters

Parish newsletter 30.6.2024

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Children's sheet 16.6.2024

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11th Sunday OT


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Children's activity sheet


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 Welcome to St Augustine's Catholic Parish-Wominjeka


St Augustine's sits on the traditional Kulin Nation country of the Wurundjeri People, to whom we pay our respects. 

Situated in Docklands/Melbourne CBD, this charming bluestone church, surrounded by coffee culture and a train station gateway to the country-side, St Augustine's provides a mini oasis for city-dwellers, office workers and shoppers. 

Initiated in 1867, this heritage-listed church and  garden provides a peaceful 'time-out' for picknickers, dog-walkers and tourists alike.

Next to the former West Melbourne police station (complete with former cell blocks), the land also houses a one-time 19th century school house: a quaint little cottage you'll find at the end of the garden, now converted into a retreat and small conference centre.

Inside the church, there is a lot of 'personal' history, un-seen by the naked eye, where generations of families have been married and baptised. 

Come, and sit a while.



Upcoming Events

Wheelchair ramp access

A wheelchair ramp is available upon request.
You are welcome to call ahead of your visit to
request. Please call 03 9412 8426.


Donations can be made to the Presbytery Account using BSB: 083 347 and Account Number 67 433 4381,

or to the Parish Account using BSB: 083 347 and Account Number 68 321 8227. 

Please call the parish office on 03 9412 8426 if you require a receipt for a donation.

We warmly thank you.

St Augustine's Parish
635 Bourke Street
© Copyright 2024 POL.ORG.AU