Mary Help of Christians - Altona
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Mary Help of Christians
97 Railway Street North
Altona, Vic 3018
Archpriest Michael Kalka JP
(03) 9398 2964
Office Hours: Tue, Wed, Thurs – 9am to 2pm


New Website for Mary Help of Christians Parish, Altona. We now have a new website! Please visit our new website address. We're still in the process of tidying it up a bit, but hope you find it helpful and informative.

Welcome to Mary Help of Christians - Altona

If you are new to our Parish, we are delighted to welcome you. We hope that here you will find a sense of community and belonging.

We recognise that being a newcomer can be a little daunting, so we want to make sure that your transition to our Parish is a smooth one. This website gives you introductory information on our parish, its activities and key contacts, but, it might not answer all questions and that is why we are here to help. To this end, please feel free to ask our ushers, greeters and parish staff anything that you might be unsure about. We certainly want to know that you are with us so that we can include you and any family members in our Parish census records.

Please make yourself known!

Message from Archpriest Michael Kalka

This is a difficult and complex time for each and every one of us. However as people of faith we need to keep our eyes always focused on Jesus who guides us through all the events of our daily living. Please remember to pray for one another and please remember to care for one another. May you be able to find joy and peace in the Risen Lord Jesus this Easter. Stay well; stay safe and God Bless,
Archpriest Michael Kalka






In general, Churches are closed under Stage 4 however, the Victorian Government have outlined some exceptions. Please see table below for an overview.  

What is considered an essential service in a Parish?






Livestreaming Mass


Maximum of 5 people – must have permits



Will be limited to 10 mourners plus the minimum number required to conduct the funeral – must have permits

Visitation of the Sick


Home visitations are not permitted unless for grave reasons



No weddings are permitted unless an application is made to the DHHS for an exemption on compassionate grounds



Are to be postponed, unless there is a grave pastoral need. (Can. 857; 860).


Parish finances during Covid-19

Parish Finances during the Coronavirus Pandemic:

While we are unable to gather for Mass, and prayers, you are invited to consider ways of supporting your local Church. We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone.

If you are able to continue supporting financially please see options to do so below...


Option # 1 – CDF Electronic Transfer


  1. Using the internet type in, copy & paste or click on this link

2. Click on Give one time to choose either a one-time contribution or set up a recurring offering.

3. Click on other to decide the amount you would like to contribute

4. Under Additional Questions click on Presbytery to choose where you want you offering to go,         

    either Presbytery or Parish.

5. Complete contact information

6. Complete Payment information

7. Finally click on give (green box with the amount you want to give in the center of the box.

8. Follow the last few steps.

 Option # 2 - Direct debit

If you would like to set up a direct debit from your bank account please call on 93982964 and the office will arrange for a form to be sent to you

 Option # 3 - Bank Transfer 

St. Mary Help of Christians Parish Church Account BSB 083 347 a/c 644 449 954                                                  Reference – Your Thanksgiving Envelope Number if you have one or your full name.


Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

                                                                                                                          The Parish Finance Committee


Feast of St Mary MacKillop & 39th Ordination anniversary for Fr. Michael.

Date: Aug 6 2020

Dear Parishioners, Mass on Saturday August 8th (Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop)  will be live streamed, from the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel (Sydney) where she is buried, at 10am.  Please follow the links at  

Also, as I will celebrate my 39th Ordination anniversary on August 8th, 2020 may I ask a remembrance in your prayers? Together may we continue to serve our good God in these difficult and challenging times of curfew and lock down. You always have my prayers and very best wishes.

                                                                                                                               Archpriest Michael Kalka 

Bulletin Deliveries

Date: Aug 6 2020

The delivery of paper bulletins has ceased for the time being. Thank you to all those who have assisted with this important service, but the new restrictions prevent us from continuing at this time. However, the bulletin will still be sent as an email attachment through the school and the parish email address lists; it is also available on the parish website. 



We Care - Responding to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act

From the earliest times, Christ’s followers have set themselves apart by their care of the vulnerable (Acts 4:34). On 19 June 2019, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act (VAD) comes into effect. It legalises euthanasia and assisted suicide. Despite what the law may say, our Christian tradition affirms that every life, including those of the sick and suffering, is sacred. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are never part of end of life care.

Pope Francis has encouraged ordinary Catholics everywhere to resist euthanasia and to protect the old, the young and the vulnerable from being cast aside in a “throw-away culture.” We are called to follow Christ by accompanying people with compassion, sharing hope not fear.

The Bishops of the Catholic dioceses of Melbourne, Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst, echoing Pope Francis, have published a pastoral letter including practical guidance on ways we can be conscientious objectors to euthanasia.

Copies of the letter are available in our parish and online:

Please read and share it.

Please click on links below for full texts. 

We Care

New Website for Mary Help of Christians Parish, Altona

Date: Aug 7 2020
We now have a new website! Please visit our new website address.  We're still in the process of tidying it up a bit, but hope you find it helpful and informative. 
Mary Help of Christians
97 Railway Street Nth
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