Sacred Heart - Diamond Creek
St. Peter's - Hurstbridge
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25 Gipson Street, Diamond Creek VIC 3089
1053 Kinglake Road, Hurstbridge VIC 3099
Partner Parish with Greensborough & Greensborough North
Fr. Steven Rigo
03 9401 6361
Monday - Closed Tuesday & Thursday - 10:00 am to 1pm Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am to 2:30 pm

Parish News


Social and spiritual support

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Newsletters & Homilies


14th July 2024

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7th July 2024

Delete 1 - Parish Newsletter 7th July 2024.pdf

30th June 2024

Delete 1 - Parish Newsletter 30th June 2024.pdf

23rd June 2024

Delete 1 - Parish Newsletter 23rd June 2024.pdf


Parish Information

Invitation to the Sunday Children's Liturgy of The Word

Your child is invited to the Sacred Heart Parish Children’s Liturgy of the Word sessions.

When:  2nd and 4th Sunday of school terms during Family 9am Mass.

Aim: To bring the Good News to the younger members of our community, in a safe and age-appropriate environment

Who: Children in Prep to Grade 3

Format: Volunteer parents and helpers take children to Parish Centre to partake in a short lesson based on the readings of the day during mass. The Priest blesses and dismisses them before the first Reading and they re-join the congregation at the Offertory.

Membership: Suitably trained adults are welcome to join as leaders and helpers of the program. Working with Children Card and online Safeguarding Training are essential.  Training provided.

Contact: Jasna Bruce 


Holy Mass:

Holy Mass is the miracle of God’s physical presence to us and is the truest testament of Jesus' love for us and His desire for each of us to have a personal relationship with Him. This Truly wonderful gift is celebrated at 9:15am Tuesday to Friday alternating at Sacred Heart or St. Thomas the Apostle Churches and each day at St. Mary's Church.

Saturday Vigil Mass is celebrated weekly at St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Mary's Churches as well as on the first Saturday of each month only at St. Peter's Church Hurstbridge.

Sunday Mass is celebrated at Sacred Heart, St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Mary's churches. Wherever you decide to celebrate Mass with us you will be warmly welcomed by all our Parishioners and Clergy and made to feel at home.

For information on commencement times of all Masses please click here.

For those unable to physically attend Mass but still wish to celebrate this gift the 1.00 pm Mass from St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne is streamed live daily (Mon - Fri) and is then available as a recording on demand until one hour prior to the next 1.00 pm Mass. On Sundays, the 11.00am Mass is streamed live and is also available as a recording on demand.

To Live Stream Mass or to watch an earlier recording please click here.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most unique and beautiful aspects of Catholic Church. Our Lord Jesus Christ, in His abundant love and mercy, established this Sacrament of Healing so that we as fallible human beings can obtain forgiveness and be reconciled to the Father and the Church. This precious gift from Christ “washes us clean,” and renews us in Him. Take a step in faith, you may be surprised about how free and loved you feel afterwards.

Sacred Heart: Each Friday from 9:45 am to 10:15 am, immediately after morning Mass.

St. Mary's: Each Saturday from 5:45 pm to 6:15 pm.

St. Thomas the Apostle: Each Saturday from 9:30 am to 10:00 am.

Available at other times by appointment.


Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God and are made members of the Church and sharers in its mission. Baptisms are available on the 1st Sunday of each Month commencing at 12:00pm. You will first meet with the Baptismal Preparation Group who will welcome you into the Parish and explain all aspects of the Sacrament. The Right of Welcome occurs at Mass on either the Saturday or Sunday immediately following the Preparation Meeting where all the Baptism families will be warmly welcomed into our Parish Community.

To make a booking please contact the Parish Office during normal Parish hours or send our Parish Secretary an email at:

Faith Development Program for Children:

This parish offers faith development for children unable to attend a Catholic school. The sacrament of Reconciliation is offered in the first year, for children in Grade Three (or older). In the following year, First Eucharist is offered in Grade Four (or older) with continuing faith development classes. The sacrament of Confirmation is completed in the third year of the program, which therefore may be in Grade Five (or older). These sacraments are celebrated in co-operation with Sacred Heart parish primary school and include Family work books which are completed at home.

Support for older children who are not baptised is also given as required.

Regular attendance at parish Sunday Masses is also vital in the faith journey for every child.

Sessions are held on Mondays 4.00-5.00pm, at the Sacred Heart Church, with volunteer catechist (s) who give their talent and time to introduce the children to the wonders of God’s love in these sacraments. Usually, the year begins on the first Monday of February.

A fee of $50.00 per year applies which covers work books, certificates, reflection day expenses and other costs, particularly for the days of these sacraments. Cash payments are accepted at the first session of the year.

Everyone is made welcome at Sacred Heart parish and we always make time after 9.00am Sunday Mass for a chat. 

E-mail for any further information at or please contact the Parish Office on 9401 6361.

Please be assured that all our instructors meet the Archdiocese’s Child Safety requirements and hold a current and valid Working with Children Check.

If you would like an application form you are more than welcome to click here to download. 


Marriage between two Christians is a living sign of God's love and has a deep value, both as a human relationship and as a sacrament. Because of this, the whole Church views marriage as an active element in its mission of showing God's love to the world. We would suggest if you wish to celebrate your wedding at Sacred Heart or St. Peter's that you book at least six months in advance of your planned date.

Please contact your priest or our Parish Office before agreeing to a commercial 'package' that includes Chapel & Reception or email us at:



We understand that the death of a family member is a very emotional and distressing time for all family members. At Sacred Heart our Parish staff is here to assist you, including the preparation of everything needed for the funeral liturgy. Also, if you are looking for someone to chat to our Funeral Ministry Team is available to lend an ear during your time of need. Ask your funeral director to contact the Parish office. Out of office hours, the Parish Priest will take the call.

Wedding Anniversaries:

The Parish will be glad to acknowledge your anniversary during Mass. Please contact Parish Office to make arrangements.


The Partnered Parishes of:

Sacred Heart Diamond Creek, 

St. Mary's Greensborough &

St. Thomas the Apostle Greensborough North.


Information & Events

Formation of Missions

26th June 2021

You may have read that there has been 2 meetings in May with clergy and lay representatives from the 209 Parishes in the Archdiocese which was attended by Cathy O'Brien. The purpose of the meetings is to consider how the Churches in the Archdiocese are best organised for the future. To read Cathy's report please click here.

The next meetings in regional areas will commence in August. For more information about the missions you can refer to the following website.

03rd December 2021

As you are aware, the Archbishop has outlined his vision for changing the current arrangements of individual parishes. We have been aware for some time that the existing structures are unsustainable with declining numbers of Catholics participating actively in parishes and a declining number of priests available to minister in individual parishes.

A combined group has been formed by the partnered parishes of St. Mary's, Sacred Heart and St. Thomas to begin the process of information sharing, discussion and discernment.

Please watch the video for further information on this project.

Religious Discrimination Bill

We can at times cringe or even feel ashamed when we read what the media publicises about what the Catholic Church may do or state about matters, especially in the area of morals. I know many people have turned away from the Church because of the positions they understand the Church has adopted in various aspects of social life. Sometimes it is more embarrassing when the Catholic Church says nothing regarding important social issues where it could faithfully represent the compassionate and inclusive teachings of Jesus.

With the current Religious Discrimination Bill being debated by the Federal Government, it appears that the Catholic Church is just one among all Christians who are lobbying the Government to discriminate against homosexual and transgender people in its concern to end discrimination of religious organisations. But the strong Christian lobby does not represent all Christians, and maybe the Catholic Church needs to officially distance itself from this lobby.

I attach an article written by Fr. Bill Edebohls, the parish priest of Ivanhoe (and with his permission) that clearly articulates this issue and the Catholic Church’s position on the matter.

Fr Steven Rigo   


Sacred Heart Church
25 Gipson Street, Diamond Creek VIC 3089
St Peter's Church
1053 Kinglake Road, Hurstbridge VIC 3099
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