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11/2/2017 9:35 AM 159218 2017 Advertisement - Manresa Cottage.pdf
8/15/2017 7:40 PM 534732 2017 Fr Elio Seminar.pdf
8/30/2017 7:36 PM 993094 500th Anniversary of Church Reformation.pdf
9/12/2018 12:34 PM 197837 9-9-18_23rd Sunday.pdf
4/7/2018 10:05 AM 558429 Alpha Brochure 2018[3804].pdf
8/25/2017 12:58 PM 826727 Archbishop Hart Media Release - Assisted Dying & Same Sex Marriage.pdf
12/1/2017 3:14 PM 266705 Archbishop Hart Media Release Assisted Dying.pdf
7/8/2017 9:30 AM 845589 Australian Catholic Youth Festival.pdf
4/27/2018 11:36 AM 1766058 Chosen Poster Final.pdf
4/7/2018 10:01 AM 125706 Deanery Conversation Flyer[3805].pdf
7/8/2017 9:20 AM 1540020 End of life Poster.pdf
12/2/2021 6:13 PM 122404 Establishment Committee for PPC Minutes 1st september 2021.docx.pdf
12/6/2017 6:14 PM 1806573 Grapevine Christmas 2017.pdf
7/16/2018 1:04 PM 177311 Hart_Comensoli Invitation.pdf
9/20/2017 12:54 PM 315481 Healthy Church Flyer 12 Oct21.pdf
7/12/2018 11:55 AM 60591 INVITATION2.pdf
2/8/2018 7:17 PM 381629 Job Advert Open Doors Foundation.pdf
8/23/2018 8:47 AM 18146 Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to the People of God Tuesday 21 August 2018.docx
9/1/2018 9:09 AM 373529 Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis[4795].pdf
2/5/2018 6:55 PM 749642 Loyola College 2018 Car Show Newsletter.pdf
12/20/2017 5:13 PM 166779 MEDIA RELEASE RC REPORT 15DEC17.pdf
7/8/2017 9:43 AM 104659 Media Release Synod Survey.pdf
9/7/2017 8:18 AM 231278 Meditation on Jesus.pdf
3/6/2018 4:24 PM 758919 National Pilgrimage Brochure 2018 pdf[3701].pdf
9/1/2017 5:24 PM 182150 OLHC Youth Group.pdf
4/7/2018 10:13 AM 3076824 Palms Bulletin 2018.pdf
7/8/2017 10:15 AM 359584 Palms Recruitment Encounter - Parish notice.pdf
11/7/2018 1:43 PM 3392031 Parish Newsletter_SH ST 16September 2018.pdf
10/16/2018 12:15 PM 1780195 Parish Newsletter_SH ST 14 October 2018.pdf
10/11/2017 3:32 PM 430008 Pastoral Letter Assisted Dying Bill.pdf
8/13/2018 9:56 AM 111178 Plenary session - 30 August Montmorency.pdf
8/13/2018 9:56 AM 231381 Pope Francis' Vision for a listenting church 18.08.02.pdf
6/26/2021 5:03 PM 24309 Report to parish re meetings about the formation of missions 5 June 2021.docx
6/26/2021 4:58 PM 349093 Report to parish re meetings about the formation of missions 5 June 2021.pdf
7/8/2017 9:37 AM 602473 Romantic Dinner for Two.pdf
2/27/2018 1:09 PM 313994 Seminar Insight into the Gospel of Mark.pdf
4/7/2018 9:40 AM 1649182 St Patricks Recital 2018.pdf
2/5/2018 6:39 PM 481526 Sweet Country Flyer.pdf
8/14/2020 10:20 AM 490148 Time to break out the best china.pdf
3/9/2018 10:13 AM 265343 Vinnies Diamond Valley Region Community Sleepout.pdf
3/28/2018 6:35 PM 669691 Year of Youth Retreats.pdf
8/17/2017 7:44 PM 140085 Youth Mass August 2017.pdf