St Joseph's and St Bernadette's - Boronia Parish
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212 Boronia Road, Boronia, 3155
1264 Mountain Hwy, The Basin, 3154
Fr. Mirek Knap CR
(03) 9761 2124
Tue, Wed, Thur & Fri – 9am to 3pm



Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God. We 

become members of the Body of Christ as we are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in 

her mission. We can’t wait to welcome your child into the life of Christ and our Church through 

Baptism. Boronia Parish offers baptism at St Joseph’s Catholic Church Boronia. 

Further information please refer to our Baptism page.

For adult baptism please refer to our RCIA link


Boronia Parish runs a yearlong Religious Education Program for students in Years 3 to 7, this 

includes preparing the children for the Sacraments of First ReconciliationFirst 

Eucharist and Confirmation. Religious Education classes are held every Tuesday at 5pm to 6pm 

coinciding with the school term. Further information can be found on our Religious Education page



A Journey into Faith.

Those wishing to explore our Catholic Christian Faith or who are wanting to ‘become Catholic’ are 

invited to contact the Parish Office to speak to, speak to Fr. Mirek.


Reconciliation is a sacrament which can be celebrated repeatedly throughout one's life, and indeed 

Catholics are encouraged to receive this sacrament frequently. The precept of the Church says that 

Catholics ought to confess their sins in the sacrament of Confession at least once a year during the 

Easter Season.

Confessions are regularly held on Saturdays at 9.30am proceeding our morning mass.

To register for First Reconciliation please see our Religious Education page.



Congratulations on your engagement!  This is one of the most exciting seasons of your life.

In the Catholic Church, marriage is an important religious event. For Catholics, the Sacrament of 

Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to another person. It is 

also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and 

also God's values. As such, preparing for marriage often means some deep reflection on how God 

fits into your life, your future and of course, your marriage.

For wedding arrangements and all details, please contact the Parish Office to make an appointment 

to see our Parish Priest Fr. Mirek Knap CR.



Jesus showed compassion toward the sick and suffering. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick 

extends God’s grace of spiritual strength, peace and courage to overcome the difficulties that going 

facing a serious health challenge or advanced age.

St Joseph’s Catholic Church Boronia has a Seniors Mass every second Friday of the month at 

11:30am where parishioners are most welcomed to be anointed.  The service is followed by a light 

luncheon.  Anointing is available during the week or during the weekend. Please contact us if you or a 

loved one would like to receive this sacrament.

Fr. Mirek and ministers offer The Sacrament of the Sick to parishioners in the hospital, nursing home 

or in their home.  Parishioners are advised to notify the parish office when a loved one is sick or in 

danger of death.

To enquire about Anointing of the Sick please contact the Parish Office.



We are here to assist you during your time of grief. Please contact the parish office to inform us of 

your loss.   

The funeral ceremony is worked out between the Parish Priest, the Pastoral Worker and the funeral 


Contact the funeral director to provide the required information.

The funeral director will contact the Parish Office to arrange a time this will  depend on the 

availability of the church and priest.

The family contacts the parish office to arrange a time for discussion of the details of the service.

The priest approves the funeral booklet, if required, and the family arranges for the printing (usually 

the funeral directors will do this).  

A Catholic funeral service can be either a Requiem Mass or a service of prayers and readings from 

Sacred Scripture. The Mass is the traditionally preferred way of celebrating a Catholic funeral.




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